Recommended Reading
- A Dweller on Two Planets by Phylos the Thibetan
- Ancient Art of Color Therapy by Linda Clark
- Aromatica: A Clinical Guide to Essential Oil Therapeutics. Principles and Profiles by Peter Holmes
- As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
- Auricular Medicine: Window to the Brain by Muriel Agnes MAEd, PhD
- Bechamp and Pasteur: A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by Douglas Hume
- Collective Speeches of Congressman Louis T. McFadden
- Color and Music in the New Age by Corinne Heline
- Color and Personality by Audrey Kargere
- Colorology: The Study of the Science of Color by Caryl Dennis
- Colour, Healing, and the Human Soul: Understanding Colours and Using Them for Health and Therapy by Gladys Mayer
- Colour Healing: Chromotherapy And How It Works by Mary Anderson
- Colour Meditations with Guide to Colour Healing by SGJ Ouseley
- Decoding Destiny by Tanis Helliwell
- Eden Isles by Proes & Serena
- Esoteric Acupuncture Volume 7: Esoteric Meaning of Key Numbers, by Mikio Sankey
- Exercising in Bed The Simplest & Most Effective System of Exercise Ever Devised by Sanford Bennett
- Fire Child, Water Child: How Understanding the Five Types of ADHD Can Help You Improve Your Child's Self-Esteem and Attention by Stephen Cowan MD, FAAP
- From the Soil to the Stomach by Penny Kelly, ND
- Get the Sugar Out, Revised and Updated 2nd Edition: 501 Simple Ways to Cut the Sugar Out of Any Diet by Ann Louise Gittleman
- Golden Precepts of Esotericism by G de Purucker
- Health, Youth, and Beauty Through Color Breathing by Linda Clark & Yvonne Martine
- Homeopathic Color Remedies by Ambika Wauters
- Hybrids So You Think You Are Human by Tanis Helliwell
- Interdimensional Disturbances Access Denied by Paget Anne of Essendon
- Leaky Gut Syndrome by Elizabeth Lipski
- Lemurian Scrolls Angelic Prophecies Revealing Human Origins by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
- Let There Be Light by Darius Dinshah
- Life Guardian Foundationbooklet by Paul A. Byrne, MD
- Lightningbolt (Native American studies) by Hyemeyohsts Storm
- New Chakra Alignment by Cyndi Dale
- Quench by Cohen & Bria
- Reading by Colorsby Helen Irlen
- Sea of Fire, Cosmic Fire by Mikio Sankey, PhD, LAc
- Star Gates by Corinne Heline
- Summer with the Leprechauns A True Story by Tanis Helliwell
- The Art of Seeing by Aldous Huxley
- The Blood and its Third Element by Antoine Bechamp
- The Breath of Life: Integral Yoga Pranayama: Step-by-step instructions in the Yogic breathing practices by Sri Swami Satchidananda
- The Book of Woodcraft by Ernest Thompson Seton
- The Chakras by CW Leadbeater
- The Coming Great Golden Age “The Antakarana” by M. D. Whitney, Edward T.
- The Cosmic Octave Origin of Harmony by Hans Cousto
- The Dead Sea Scrolls by Theodore Heline
- The Lost Continent of Mu by Colonel James Churchward
- The Elves of Lily Hill Farm by Penny Kelly
- The Energy Crunch and You by Linda G. Rector-Page
- The Harmonics of Sound, Color & Vibration by William David
- The Human Side of Plants by Royal Dixon
- The Inner Lives of Minerals, Plants & Animals by Manly P. Hall
- The Kingdom of the Gods by Geoffrey Hodson
- The Power of the Rays by SGJ Ouseley
- The Rays and Esoteric Psychology by Zachary F. Lansdowne
- The Red Amendment by LB Bork
- The Secret of Life by Georges Lakhovsky
- The Seven Keys to Color Healing: Successful Treatment Through Color by Roland T. Hunt
- The Training of the Human Plant by Luther Burbank
- The Venus Rising Trilogy by Raymond Andrew Keller II
- The Wolves of Heaven: Cheyenne Shamanism, Ceremonies, and Prehistoric Origins by Karl H. Schlesier
- Tim McCoy Remembers the West by Tim McCoy, with Ronald McCoy
- Windows of Light Quartz Crystals & Self-Transformation by Randall N. Baer & Vicki Baer
- Worlds in Collision by Immanuel Velikovsky
- Yamsi, the Story of a Man's Love for a Ranch in the Oregon Wilderness by Dayton O. Hyde
- Your Face Never Lies by Michio Kushi
- Zolar's Magick of Color: Use the Power of Color to Transform Your Luck, Prosperity, or Romance by Zolar